Statistical Programming with R

We use the following packages

library(dplyr)    # Data manipulation
library(magrittr) # Pipes
library(ggplot2)  # Plotting suite
library(boot)     # Bootstrapping functions

Running example

  • a country called sumR
  • 3 million adult humans inhabit it
  • 3 cities Rnhem, AlkmR, and LeeuwRden
  • height
  • shoe size
height   <- rnorm(3e6, mean = 180, sd = 7.5)
shoesize <- 35 + 0.02*height + runif(3e6, -1, 1)
city     <- sample(c("Rnhem", "AlkmR", "LeeuwRden"), size = 3e6, 
                   prob = c(0.6, 0.3, 0.1), replace = TRUE)

sumR <- data.frame(height, shoesize, city)

Running example

par(mfrow = c(1,3))
hist(height,   breaks = 80, col = "light green", border = "transparent")
hist(shoesize, breaks = 80, col = "light blue",  border = "transparent")
table(city) %>% barplot(col = "pink")

(In a real country we will not know these things)

Let's do statistics!

We randomly sample 100 persons and "measure" their height, shoesize and city:

samp100 <- sample(3e6, size = 100)
sdat100 <- sumR[samp100, ]
##           height shoesize      city
## 2908895 177.8716 39.28683     Rnhem
## 236907  170.2528 38.97513     Rnhem
## 1230916 195.9043 38.27168 LeeuwRden
## 1937234 177.4607 38.39331     Rnhem
## 2782743 172.3269 38.89885     AlkmR
## 2551759 169.6376 39.02313     Rnhem

Let's use this sample to estimate quantities and infer things about our population!


We want to know the mean height of our population

The sample mean \(\bar{x}\) is an estimator for the population mean \(\mu\)

m <- mean(sdat100$height)
## [1] 179.7258

The sampling distribution

The sampling distribution: parametric

This statistic has a sampling distribution: taking a different sample generates a different mean value

Thus we have uncertainty about our estimated mean

The sampling distribution: parametric

  • The sampling distribution of the mean is a normal distribution with parameters:
    • mean \(\mu_\bar{x}\)
    • standard deviation \(\sigma_\bar{x}\)
  • We can estimate these quantities
  • Mean estimator: sample mean \[\hat{\mu}_\bar{x} = \bar{x}\]
  • Standard deviation estimator: the standard error \[\hat{\sigma}_\bar{x} = \frac{s_x}{\sqrt{n}}\]
se <- sd(sdat100$height)/sqrt(100)
## [1] 0.6673471

The sampling distribution: parametric

Parametric Confidence Interval

Using the standard error and the assumption of normality, we can create a confidence interval (CI):

(ci <- c(m - 1.96*se, m + 1.96*se))
## [1] 178.4178 181.0338

The sampling distribution: parametric

Interim conclusion

  • Any sample statistic has uncertainty due to sampling
  • This uncertainty is captured in the sampling distribution
  • Asymptotically (as sample size grows) we assume it is a normal distribution
  • The standard error is a measure of uncertainty
  • Using the standard error, we can create a 95% CI

The sampling distribution: algorithmic

Let's take a step back

  • The sampling distribution of a statistic is the distribution of its estimate upon infinitely repeated sampling.
  • Since we have the full population, we can generate the sampling distribution ourselves!
  • (but instead of infinite sampling, we sample 10 000 times)
means <- numeric(10000)

for (i in 1:10000) {
  means[i] <- mean(sumR$height[sample(3e6, size = 100)])

The sampling distribution: algorithmic


In the 50s and 60s, computers enabled another measure of uncertainty

The Jackknife

  • take each person out of your sample once
  • calculate the statistic on the remaining values
  • the result: 100 slightly different means
jknf <- numeric(100)

for (i in 1:100) jknf[i] <- mean(sdat100$height[-i])

Similar to LOOCV!



The Jackknife can be used to estimate the standard error:

\[ \begin{align} \hat{se}_{j} &= \sqrt{\frac{n-1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\left(\hat{\theta}_{(i)}-\overline{\hat{\theta}_{(\cdot)}}\right)^2} \end{align}\]

jkse <- sqrt(99/100*sum((jknf - mean(jknf))^2))
## Jackknife estimate: 0.667 
## True standarderror: 0.750

With this, we can once again create a sampling distribution and a CI based on normal theory.


Introduced by Efron in 1979 as computers became more powerful.

  • As many times as you like (e.g. 1000 times)
  • Sample \(n\) values from your sample with replacement
  • Calculate the statistic of interest on this bootstrap sample
btsp <- numeric(1000)

for (i in 1:1000) btsp[i] <- mean(sdat100$height[sample(100, replace = TRUE)])

We sample from our sample, pulling ourselves "up" into the space of population by our bootstraps


Bootstrap approximation


No more math!

The standard error calculation does not need to be known

Relaxes the assumption of normality

For some quantities, unreasonable sample sizes are needed before normality (e.g. product of two regression coefficients in mediation analysis)

Q: What is the sampling distribution of the log mean shoe size?

## [1] 3.653499

Log mean shoe size

Proportion of humans in LeeuwRden

The boot package

mystat <- function(dat, index) {

bootstat <- sdat100 %>% boot(mystat, R = 1000)

# SE
## [1] 0.02899687
# 95% CI
bootstat$t %>% quantile(c(0.025, 0.975))
##     2.5%    97.5% 
## 4.596886 4.698511

The boot package

# Distribution
data.frame(mystat = bootstat$t) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = mystat)) +
  geom_density(fill = "light seagreen") +
  xlim(4.5, 4.8) +


  • Sampling distribution indicates uncertainty
  • Bootstrapping approximates the sampling distribution
  • Treats sample as population to sample from
  • Works when the shape of the sampling distribution is unknown
  • Package boot can be used for bootstrapping